Highland Lake Unified Association

The Highland Lake Unified Association is a non profit environmental organization staffed by volunteers that perform several ecological services on Highland Lake.

Lake water is tested several times during the season. Specimens are taken to the state labs in Concord.

Weed patrol is conducted by volunteer members. Using small boats and canoes they check in coves and along the shoreline for invasive exotic plants which are not native to New Hampshire. Suspicious plants are checked and sent to Concord for verification.

Through the Lake Host Program hosts are hired and during the summer boating season staff the two public boat launches at the weekends. Boats and trailers are examined on entering and leaving Highland Lake. During the last boating season over 2000 boats and trailers were examined at the two public boat launches, giving special attention to the fishing tournaments.

Provide maps of Highland Lake for sale to local stores.

Hold our annual meeting to update members and provide lectures on local topics. We also supply updates on boating regulations and the Shoreline Protection Act.

Funding for the Lake Host Program was cut drastically during the past two years and we expect further cuts for the 2010 boating season. Federal funding has been eliminated, so funding from the New Hampshire Lakes Association will be cut even farther this year, making us having to rely on the town, road associations, raffles, and our members more than in the past.

For your further information, attached is a pdf file of the "Highland Lake Inventory and Management Plan", prepared by the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission.

Click here for the Highland Lake Inventory Management Plan.