Parker-Holmes Place, 1800

Historic Buildings in the Town Center

The Holmes Clothespin Factory with Lawrence Holmes in foreground. Insert of the present-day home.

The Holmes Clothespin Factory with Lawrence Holmes in foreground. Insert of the present-day home.

This house is located along Route 123N besides the present-day Whitney Road. The house was built on land originally owned by Joel Wilson. William Parker is first associated with this house. He was a tailor by profession and still occupied the house in 1858.

Henry Holmes and his wife, Alma, occupied the house in the late 1800s. Across the road from the house was a clothespin factory, which was a Holmes family business. Around noon on February 2, 1906, the clothespin factory was destroyed by fire. Holmes ownership of the house ended in 1927 when Alma Holmes sold the house.

Parker-Holmes Place, 1800