Rutherford Place

Historic Buildings in the Town Center

The Rutherford Place is immediately to the east of the Knight-Davis House on present-day Rte 123N.  

The land on which this building sits, was sold to Wilder Knight by Hubbard and Elbridge Copeland in an 1843 deed. In that same year, Knight sold the land to Jonathan Emerson. The present building was constructed shortly after that date. There were numerous owners of the house, among then William Chase and his wife, Abagail, who died there in 1894. Chase was a Universalist preacher.

It is referred to as the Rutherford House from Fanny B. Rutherford from Rutherford Glen, Scotland. Rutherford lived in the house prior to the present day ownership of the house by the Marian F. and Donald Leyden, and then by their children.