Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Monday, June 8, 2020

June 8, 2020
The meeting opened at 7:00 PM via Zoom.
Attendees included Christopher Madden, Chairman of Selectmen, Charles Fosberry,
Selectman, Robert Fee, Selectman, Michelle Pong, Town Administrator, Harry Power,
Compliance Officer and Patricia Putnam, Administrative Assistant. Several members of the
public were in attendance.
Harry Powers – Building Permits:
1. Tax Map # 424, Lot # 35 - Andrew & Gail Demasi, 532 Aten Road, Large Dog Kennel
– approved.
2. Tax Map # 408, Lot # 19 - David Mooney (Harold Mooney), 16 Doe Road, shed –
permit after the fact – approved
3. Tax Map # 110. Lot # 2 - Samuel & Cynthia Lake, 980 Kings Highway, dormer –
1. Charlie Fosberry stated he felt a fire truck should have 30,000 to 40,000 miles on it
before it is replaced.
1. Accounts Payable Manifest
2. Minutes 06/01/2020
3. Budget – previously approved, just needs to be signed
4. Tax Warrant
5. Cemetery Deed to Lot (2)
6. Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber
7. CARES Reimbursement State Contract
All the above were signed.
1. Doug Summerton requested police patrols on Kings Highway between 3:00 & 7:00
PM to slow down the speeding on that road. The Selectmen will email Chief David Vaillancourt
for more patrols
2. Doug Summerton requested the lighting on the lights on the Town Hall and Gould
House be changed to yellow bug lights to cut down of the glare reflecting on the Carlisle
residence next door. At an earlier Selectmen's meeting, the board agreed to point the lights
downward. That was accomplished. Doug said it still is reflecting on the residence. The
Selectmen agreed to have motion detectors installed. This issue will be addressed after Town
Meeting has occurred.
3. Doug Summerton noted that the upgrade to the Town Hall handicapped ramp has not
been done. Chris Madden said the money is in the present budget and did not get done. He
will look into having it accomplished.
4. David Lesser expressed his concern that the library's lawn looks awful and requested
that is be mowed and weed wacked weekly. He said if the present contractor wouldn't do that,
the town should find another contractor. Chris Madden moved and Bob Fee seconded to
support the library trustees on whatever protocols they decide, the board approved.
Covid-19 issues
1. Office Closure until June 15th – the closure will end with offices reopening on June
15th. When the offices reopen, for the Town Hall - there will be social distancing
protocols in place with lines on the floor and the ramp door will be for entrance and
the door by the Town Clerk's office will be for exit. It there is a person needing the
handicapped ramp for exiting, then the waiting line will make way for that person. For
the Gould House, there are far less people using it and the staff will urge social
distancing. The Library will set up their own protocols.
2. Election Day protocols – Discussion on protocols: Town will provide pump- hand
sanitizer dispensers and sanitizer fluid, face shields, sneeze guards for all Election
workers and gloves. The state has notified the Town Clerk that taking temperatures is
illegal as is having a special area for anyone having symptoms or a temperature.
There will be 4 – 6 voting booths where 1/2 will be used for voting while the other 1/2
are being sanitized and vis versa. The Supervisors of the Check list will have a table
set up where non-registered voters can sign up to vote. There will be 6' line, for social
distancing, in front of their table.
3. Town Meeting protocols – The Town Meeting will have distancing for chairs and a
microphone holder in the middle of the room for people to use without touching the
1. Warranty coverage for generator – The board did not know if the generator came with
a warranty. Chris Madden will check with the supplier to find out and will email the board
with the answer.
2. Paid, unused vacation – Chris Madden moved and Charlie Fosberry seconded to
approve the pay and the board approved. The policy will be reviewed after Town
3. The Fire Chief notified the town office that there was a serious fire in town and the
owner lost everything. They have asked the town for anything they can do. They have
placed a notice on their Facebook page indicating that donations can be let, in plastic
bags, at the fire station. The Selectmen agreed to place a link on the town's web site to
allow interested parties to the fire department's web page. The person was offered
to stay at the Stoddard's church's parsonage, but declined and a church in Keene has
offered to buy him whatever he needs. Another thought was to set up a Go Fund Me
page to allow cash donations for him.
ADJOURN: Bob Fee moved and Charlie Fosberry seconded to adjourn at 8:17, the board
Respectfully submitted:
Patricia E. Putnam
Administrative Assistant
_________________ ___________________ ____________________
Charles Fosberry Christopher Madden Robert Fee
June 08, 2020
7:00 pm
Zoom meeting.
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Harry Power
Permits: Demasi
1. Accounts Payable Manifest
2. Minutes
3. Proposed Budget
4. Tax Warrant
5. Cemetery Deed to Lot (2)
6. Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber
7. CARES Reimbursement State Contract
Covid-19 issues
1. Office Closure until June 15th
2. Election Day protocols
3. Town Meeting protocols
4. Other
1. Warranty coverage for generator