DPL Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, May 15, 2019




DATE: May 15, 2019

TIME:  12:55



PRESENT: Geri Bailey, Alexie Currie, Inga Cullen, Margo Santoro

ABSENT: Angel Nicoletti



1. Call to Order at 12:55 

  1. Attendees: Inga Cullen, Margo Santoro, Alexia Currie, Geri Bailey. Agenda approved.
  2. Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Approved
  3. Correspondence: State responded to Inga request to change ILL stop to Hillsborough, Inga corresponded with Toadstool Bookstore regarding online account
  4. Public Comment: None


 2. Reports

  1. Financial: Treasurers Report, approved.  P & L, approved. Lexie to renew NHLTA memberships.
  2. Library Director: Discussion regarding tracking WIFI user counts.  Planning summer reading program.


3. Review progress on Action Items and Directives:

  1. Several action items from last meeting deferred. See Summary below.
  2. Issues with Library World addressed and catalog is accessible thru the Stoddard website.
  3. Pump and water filter issues resolved.
  4. The ground has settled in the Children’s Garden and walkway issues seem to be resolved.


4. Old [unfinished] Business

  1. Painting of fence - deferred
  2. Ramp to gazebo - deferred
  3. Access to online catalog available and is being used.
  4. Conference registration for NHLTA reminder
  5. Propane heater – deferred.
  6. Front door flooding - deferred
  7. Put library on Tattersall contract for smoke alarm battery replacement - deferred


5. New Business

  1. Flower boxes – Boxes will be white. Follow-up with donor required.
  2. David Lesser has ordered flowers for the boxes and will pick up mulch for various areas.
  3. Little Library donation discussed and location discussed.
  4. Discussed visually impaired patron needs. Several ideas to be pursued – mobile delivery of books, seminars on resources for VI patrons, resource lists.
  5. Professional subscriptions – hold off on Library Journal. Association for Rural and Small Libraries and Conference to be reviewed for next fiscal year.
  6. Trustee Laptop updates applied to Norton and the operating system to improve performance.
  7. Microsoft Office 365 licensing reviewed and use by LD and Trustees.


6. Announcements: None


7. Next meeting date:  June 19


8. Adjournment at ___2:57_____ [time]


9. Submitted or recorded by ____Margo Santoro, Secretary and Geri Bailey___


Summary list:  Motions - None


Action Items and Directives

  1. Inga to write thank you note to wildlife presenter.
  2. Angel to modify agenda template to match minutes template.
  3. Inga to research alternative pricing options for book purchases.
  4. Inga to get estimate for painting remaining walls behind bookshelves from Brian Wakeman.
  5. Angel to meet with Jim to get numbers for front of library for 911 purposes. 
  6. Margo to contact Mary Lou regarding window boxes and brackets and timing. 
  7. Inga to arrange Carpet cleaning.
  8. Inga to contact little library donor re: approval and installation location
  9. Angel – add MS Office expiration date (June 2021) to the calendar & revise payment info
  10. Inga – Will be looking at Marketing ideas for boosting program attendance and will suggest movie licensing to the FOL.