Conservation Commission

Meeting date: 
Thursday, August 27, 2020

Stoddard Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Place: Town Hall parking lot

Members Present: (marked with XX)

Geoff Jones___XX

Scott Semmens__XX

Paul Crosby__XX

Helen Tam-Semmens__XX

Bob Fee__XX

Margo Santoro__

1. Approved minutes of April 22, 2020.

2. Geoff to schedule a work day for trail and dam clearing at Pioneer Lake Town Forest.

There are also some signs that need to be put back up. Helen had repainted a couple of

signs before and are likely in Geoff’s possession.

3. ArcGIS license - Scott has asked ESRI whether Stoddard Conservation Commission

can purchase a non-profit ArcGIS license, although such non-profit license is usually

reserved for 501c non-profits only, which Stoddard CC is not. He is still awaiting an

response from ESRI.

4. Discussed the protection of conservation values in town from proliferation of activities

that generate excessive noise pollution, e.g. from fireworks late into the night (disturbing

wildlife, pets and people’s rest) to straight piped cars without mufflers. Geoff will draft a

letter to the Board of Selectmen stating the concern.

5. Helen brought up whether the lights outside the Town Hall can be put on a timer so

as to reduce light pollution. There is increasing scientific evidence showing how light

pollution can be detrimental to insects and other wildlife. Others mentioned the bright

lights outside the Fire Station. Bob Fee will bring the subject up to the Board of

Selectmen for discussion.

6. Next scheduled meeting on Sept 23, 2020.