A New Era for the Stoddard Conservation Commission

Farewell to a Conservation Champion: Honoring Geoff Jones

As Geoff Jones concludes his remarkable 25+ years as leader of the Conservation Commission, we reflect on his extraordinary legacy of environmental stewardship and transformative achievements.

Under Geoff's guidance, Stoddard has become a beacon of conservation excellence, boasting the most extensive percentage of conservation lands in Cheshire County. Pickerel Cove, Robb Reservoir, Pioneer Lake, and the recent addition of Little Big Forest stand as testament to his unwavering commitment to preserving our natural heritage.

Geoff's leadership has not only secured land but also inspired a community-wide commitment to environmental consciousness. Through education and collaboration, he has fostered a culture of conservation that will endure for generations.

As Geoff embarks on new endeavors, we express profound gratitude for his service and wish him continued success. His legacy of passion, and leadership will forever shape our town's future.

Thank you, Geoff, for your enduring dedication to Stoddard's natural beauty and the well-being of our community.