Public Hearing

Zoning Board of Adjustment

Town of Stoddard

Notice of Public Hearing


You are hereby notified of a Public Hearing to be held on Thursday, 7:30 pm on December 21, 2023, at the Stoddard Town Hall, concerning a request by: B. Scott and Diane Avera for a Special Exception concerning:  Article XII, Section 3 of the Stoddard Community Planning Ordinance.

The Applicant proposes to: build a retaining wall on the back side of the garage to control run off on the property located at 60 Penny Lane, Tax Map #127, Lot #37   in the Lake District.


Note: This hearing is to be held in order to comply with the legal requirement of law (RSA 676.7).  Abutters are invited to attend for their own benefit and information, they are not required by law to attend.  It is advisable for the applicant to attend and present the proposal.  This Hearing may be attended via Zoom by request.


Kathleen Ellis

Secretary, Zoning Board of Adjustment

Posted 11/16/2023